Guray Erus, Ph.D.

Director of Research

Richards Labs, Suite 700D
3700 Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Educational Background

Ph.D. in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition – Paris Descartes University, Department of Mathematics and Informatics (Paris, France)
M.Sc. in Cognitive Science – Middle East Technical University, Informatics Institute (Ankara, Turkey)
B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering – Middle East Technical University, Computer Engineering Dept. (Ankara, Turkey)

Research Interests

Machine learning, artificial intelligence, pattern recognition and analysis, biomedical image analysis, neuroimaging;

My research on neuroimaging pattern analysis aims to detect, quantify and analyze spatial patterns of structural brain changes due to pathological or non-pathological processes, using high dimensional MRI image data and advanced machine learning and statistical analysis techniques.


For a full list of publications you can go to: Google Scholar, or PubMed.